A new tool to strengthen the fight against fall armyworm in Asia
Together with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Feed the Future, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the CGIAR Research Program on Maize (MAIZE) are pleased to announce the release of “Fall Armyworm in Asia: A Guide of Integrated Pest Management.”
“I have encountered few pests as alarming as the Fall Armyworm (FAW),” writes USAID Chief Scientist Rob Bertram in the guide’s Foreword. “This publication… offers to a broad range of public and private stakeholders—including national plant protection, research and extension professionals—evidence-based approaches to sustainably manage FAW,” Bertram adds.
“Partners from a wide array of national and international institutions have contributed to the mammoth task of formulating various chapters in the guide,” says B.M. Prasanna, director of CIMMYT’s Global Maize Program and of MAIZE. “While the publication is focused on Asia, it provides an updated understanding of various components of IPM-based fall armyworm management that could also benefit stakeholders in Africa.”
In January 2018 USAID and CIMMYT published a similar guide on IPM-based management of fall armyworm in Africa, which reached a large number of stakeholders globally and is widely cited. Prasanna spearheaded the development and publication of both guides.
The current publication also follows CIMMYT’s announcement of three FAW-tolerant elite maize hybrids for sub-Saharan Africa.