13th Asian Maize Conference
“Maize for Food, Feed, Nutrition and Environmental Security”

The importance of maize in Asian cropping systems has grown rapidly in recent years, with several countries registering impressive growth rates in maize production and productivity. There are tremendous opportunities for innovations in maize breeding and sustainable intensification of maize-based cropping systems in Asia. International and national institutions engaged in maize research and development are also emphasizing foresight, technology targeting, partnerships involving all stakeholders and capacity development to effectively out-scale innovations for greater impact. Some of the innovations like single cross maize hybrids, nutritious maize (including Quality Protein Maize or QPM and provitamin A-enriched maize), genetically modified (GM) maize, conservation agriculture (CA), small farm mechanization, winter and spring maize area development, specialty corn (including sweet corn and baby corn) etc. offer exciting opportunities for future growth and development of maize in the region.
For the full Press Release about the Conference, click here.

Despite increased production, increasing and competing demands (food, feed, industry) imply continued need to invest in maize research for development (R4D). The demand for maize is expected to double by 2050, which implies further need to increase productivity significantly. At the same time, maize production and productivity in several Asian countries is severely constrained by an array of factors, including lack of access to improved seeds and other critical production-related inputs, lack of training and knowledge transfer for the resource-poor farmers, and abiotic and biotic stresses, the magnitude and dynamics of which are rapidly increasing under climate change.
Several factors are critical to effectively meet the present and future demands for maize in Asia. These include:
- integrating novel breeding techniques for improved genetic gains, especially under stress-prone environments in Asia;
- accelerating the development and deployment of high-yielding, climate-resilient and nutritious maize;
- strengthening the maize seed sector and access to quality seed through public-private partnerships;
- introducing precision-conservation agriculture and climate-smart agronomic practices for sustainable intensification of maize-based cropping systems;
- implementing innovative policies for stronger maize value chains and services for client communities; and
- empowering local stakeholders through cutting-edge technologies

Photo: Xochiquetzal Fonseca/CIMMYT.
As Asian agribusiness, food processing industries and economies continue to grow, the opportunities for use of maize as food, feed, fodder and industrial uses will also increase significantly. The growing needs of the poultry sector, the expansion of maize seed sector, and increasing interest of consumers in nutritionally-enriched and specialty maize products require greater attention both from the research and development viewpoints more than ever before. Beyond the need for conducive policy support/environment, what is needed the most is greater investments on maize R4D in the region to harness the opportunities. Besides, there are specific issues concerning Asian maize industry that require urgent attention in order to harness the huge emerging opportunities.
The CGIAR Research Program on Maize (MAIZE) offers opportunities for catalyzing the stakeholders in the region to out-scale innovations in maize-based cropping systems by building strong public private partnerships. The 13th Asian Maize Conference aims to bring together the key Asian maize partners to discuss the current status, future opportunities and challenges for enhancing food, feed, nutrition and environmental security in Asia.
- To assess the regional priorities and niches for enhancing maize production and productivity.
- To share experiences and latest information/knowledge on cutting-edge maize technologies among the maize research and development community.
- To create general awareness and provide a platform for synergies among institutions and stakeholders for better use of maize as food, feed and industrial crop in Asia.
- To develop an innovative and impact-oriented regional strategy and road map through access to and accelerated adoption of resilient technologies, market opportunities, networks, investment priorities and policy guidelines.
Expected Outputs
- National and regional priorities for enhancing maize production and productivity identified.
- Experiences and knowledge on innovations relating to sustainable maize production and utilization shared among diverse stakeholders.
- Awareness created for promoting the use of maize for diverse purposes.
- Synergies and convergence opportunities among maize R4D stakeholders in Asia identified.
- A regional maize strategy for sustainable food and nutritional security in Asia developed.
Radission Blu Hotel, MBD Neopolis Mall, Ferozpur Road, Ludhiana 141012, Punjab, India
Core Organizing Committee
Technical Program Committee
Chair | Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE, Government of India & Director-General, ICAR;dg.icar@nic.in |
Co-Chair | Dr. Martin Kropff, Director General, CIMMYT; m.kropff@cgiar.org |
Mentors | Dr. R.S. Paroda, Chairman, TAAS; raj.paroda@gmail.com |
Dr. B.S. Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, PAU; vc@pau.edu | |
Members | Dr. A.K. Joshi, CIMMYT & BISA ; a.k.joshi@cgiar.org |
Dr. Xinhai Li, CAAS, China ; lixinhai@caas.cn | |
Dr. K.B. Koirala, NMRP, Nepal ; koiralakb15@gmail.com | |
Dr. Dang Ngoc Ha, NMRI, Vietnam ; hanmri@yahoo.com.vn | |
Dr. Md. Amiruzzaman, BARI, Bangladesh ; amiruzzaman95@yahoo.com | |
Dr. Md. Arshad, MMRI, Pakistan ; directormmri@gmail.com | |
Dr. Md. Azrai, ICERI, Indonesia ; balitserealia@litbang.pertanian.go.id | |
Dr. Suriphat Thaitad, NSFCRC, Thailand ; suriphat_t@hotmail.com | |
Dr. Vivek B.S., CIMMYT ; b.vivek@cgiar.org | |
Dr. P.H. Zaidi, CIMMYT ; phzaidi@cgiar.org | |
Dr. M.L. Jat, CIMMYT ; m.l.jat@cgiar.org | |
Dr. H.S. Sidhu, BISA ; H.Sidhu@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Ramesh Kumar, ICAR-IIMR ; rk.phagna@gmail.com | |
Dr. Dharam Paul, ICAR-IIMR ; chaudharydp@gmail.com | |
Dr. K.S. Hooda, ICAR-IIMR ; hoodaks@gmail.com | |
Dr. S.L. Jat, ICAR-IIMR ; sliari@gmail.com | |
Organizing Secretaries | Dr. B.M. Prasanna, Director, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT & CGIAR Research Program MAIZE; b.m.prasanna@cgiar.org |
Dr. Sujay Rakshit, Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research ; s.rakshit@icar.gov.in |
Chair | Dr. B.M. Prasanna, Director, Global Maize Program, CIMMYT & CGIAR Research Program MAIZE; b.m.prasanna@cgiar.org |
Co-Chair | Dr. Sujay Rakshit, Director, ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research ; s.rakshit@icar.gov.in |
Members | Dr. B.S. Vivek, CIMMYT, Hyderabad, India; b.vivek@cgiar.org |
Dr. P.H. Zaidi, CIMMYT, Hyderabad, India; p.h.zaidi@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Sudha Nair, CIMMYT, Hyderabad, India; Sudha.Nair@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Yunbi Xu, CIMMYT, Beijing, China; Y.Xu@cgiar.org | |
Dr. AbduRahman Beshir, CIMMYT, Kathmandu, Nepal; a.issa@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Terrence Molnar, CIMMYT, Mexico; t.molnar@cgiar.org | |
Dr. M.L. Jat, CIMMYT, New Delhi, India; m.jat@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Andrew Macdonald, CIMMYT, Kathmandu, Nepal; a.macdonald@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Tim Krupnik, CIMMYT, Dhaka, Bangladesh; t.krupnik@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Dyutiman Choudhary, CIMMYT, Kathmandu, Nepal; D.Choudhary@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Akhter Ali, CIMMYT, Islamabad, Pakistan; akhter.ali@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Shriniwas Gautam, CIMMYT, Kathmandu, Nepal; s.gautam@cgiar.org | |
Dr. Dharam Paul, ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana, India; chaudharydp@gmail.com | |
Dr. Ramesh Kumar, ICAR-IIMR, Ludhiana, India; rk.phagna@gmail.com | |
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor
Youth Awards
The 2018 Maize-Asia Youth Innovators Awards were launched in collaboration between the CGIAR Research Program on Maize (MAIZE) and YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development) during the run-up to the Conference. The awards recognize the contributions of innovative young women and men who can inspire fellow young people to get involved with maize-based agri-food systems.
Winners from different categories (researchers and change agents) have been invited to attend the 13th Asian Maize Conference, where they will make brief presentations of their work and receive their awards on 10 October.
The winners are:
Dinesh Panday, Nepal
Focus: Soil fertility and nutrient management
Jie Xu, China
Focus: Drought stress in maize root systems
Vignesh Muthusamy, India
Focus: Development of biofortified provitamin-A rich QPM maize hybrids
Samjhana Khanal, Nepal
Focus: Social inclusion of young people and site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) using Nutrient Expert®
For more information about the awardees and their work, click here.
The participants will include researchers, policy makers, service providers, innovative farmers, representatives and representatives of various organizations including NARES institutions, international agricultural research centers and advanced research institutions, seed companies, maize-based industry non-governmental organizations involved in maize breeding, biotechnology, production management, seed systems and value chains, besides foundations and funding agencies. About 250 participants are expected to attend this important Conference and Expert Consultation.
Language: The official language of the Conference will be English.
For further information, contact:
Jennifer Johnson
Communications Officer
CGIAR Research Program on Maize (MAIZE)
CIMMYT, Mexico
Telephone: +52 (55) 5804 2004 ext. 1036