Second-generation haploid inducers: Now available
The second generation of tropically adapted haploid inducers developed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) are now available for use by interested breeders and institutions.
Haploid inducers are a specially developed maize genetic stock that are used to develop doubled haploid (DH) maize lines. DH maize lines are highly uniform, genetically pure and stable, making the maize breeding process more intuitive and efficient by simplifying logistics.
These improved second-generation tropically adapted haploid inducers will help more tropical maize breeding programs adopt DH technology and develop improved maize varieties faster than ever before, cutting down the time it takes to get improved maize varieties to the farmers that need them.
The original first-generation tropically adapted haploid inducer lines (TAILS) were developed by CIMMYT and the University of Hohenheim (UHo). Recognizing the scope to further improve the first-generation TAILs for various traits, CIMMYT initiated the development of second-generation haploid inducers for the tropics by transferring the haploid induction trait from first-generation TAILs to elite CIMMYT maize lines. Selections were made for higher haploid induction rates and superior agronomic performance.
The CIM2GTAILs showed high haploid induction rates (~8-15%) under CIMMYT-tested (sub)tropical conditions in Mexico and Kenya, besides better agronomic performance in terms of plant vigor, synchrony with tropical source populations, better standability, and resistance to important tropical foliar diseases and ear rots. CIMMYT will share specific quantity of seed of these CIM2GTAILs and will grant authorization for use of these CIM2GTAILs to interested applicants.
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