Competitive Grants Initiative – Call for proposals
MAIZE is announcing its second call for proposals as part of the ‘Competitive Grants Initiative’ (CGI). The Research Program is now looking for partners to fill specific research gaps in the MAIZE Strategic Initiatives/Themes –which have been identified in the current project portfolio by MAIZE Theme Leads. Please see the Request for Proposal List (RFP) of research gaps. Potential grantees need to send in their Concept Note by August 31st. Thank you for using the Concept Note/ Partner application form to submit your research proposal for a MAIZE Competitive Grant.
Please note: Successful proposals will be approved on a rolling basis, as funding (through the CGIAR Fund’s Windows 1 and 2) comes in. Funding is assured for the 1st year only (if it is a 2-year proposal), subsequent funding depends on performance. Please consult the background documents on this webpage for further information. The announcement of successful proposals will take place on September 30, 2013. If you have any questions, please get in touch with MAIZE Program Administrator Sally W. Mallari (
Related documents and background information: