Cereals research for sustainable health and well-being
The current focus in nutritional circles on micronutrient malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits has raised questions about continuing to invest in research on energy-rich cereal crops and related farming systems.
In this new paper in the International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, development scientists make the case that 1) cereal foods are an important vehicle for enhanced nutrition – with additional improvement possible through plant breeding and interventions in processing, manufacturing and distribution; and 2) cereals are a rich source of both dietary fiber and a range of bioactive food components that are essential for good health and well-being.
The authors suggest a balanced, integrated research approach to support the sustainable production of both nutrient-rich crops and the basic cereals used in humanity’s most widely consumed and popular foods.
Read the full article, “Continuing cereals research for sustainable health and well-being” by Nigel Poole, Jason Donovan and Olaf Erenstein, here.