Call for nominees for the 2018 Maize-Asia Youth Innovators Awards
Nominations are open for the 2018 Maize-Asia Youth Innovators Awards. These awards are part of the efforts that the CGIAR Research Program on Maize (MAIZE) is undertaking to promote youth participation in maize-based agri-food systems. These awards recognize the contributions of young women and men below 35 years of age who are implementing innovations in Asian maize-based agri-food systems, including research-for-development, seed systems, agribusiness, and sustainable intensification.
The awards aim to identify young innovators who can serve to inspire other young people to get involved in maize-based agri-food systems. This is also aimed at creating a platform to allow young innovators from around the world to network and share their experiences. The award recipients will be given the opportunity to attend the 13th Asian Maize Conference in Ludhiana, India (October 8-12, 2018) where they will receive the awards in a ceremony on 10th October, and will be given the chance to present their work. The Conference will also present an opportunity for these young innovators to network with MAIZE researchers and partners, and exchange experiences. Award recipients may also get the opportunity to collaborate with MAIZE and its partner scientists in Asia on implementing or furthering their innovations.
MAIZE invites CGIAR researchers and partners to nominate young innovators for any of the following three categories:
a. Researcher: Maize research-for-development (in any discipline)
b. Farmer: Maize farming systems in Asia
c. Change agent: Maize value chains (i.e., extension agents, input and service suppliers,
transformation agents).
We ask nominators/applicants to take into account the following criteria and related questions:
i) Novelty and Innovative Spirit: What specific novel findings or innovation(s) has this young
person has contributed to? (in any of the three categories mentioned above)
ii) Present/Potential Impact: What is the present/potential benefit or impact of the innovation
in maize-based agri-food systems?
Key Dates:
Opening date for nominations: July 20, 2018
Closing date for nominations: August 31, 2018
NOTE: Nominations received after the due date will not be considered.
Call for nominees:
Click here to download the PDF version of the call for nominees.
Nomination guidelines:
Please download the nomination guidelines here.
To apply:
Fill out the nomination form online here. Send completed application form with supporting information via email to maizecrp@cgiar.org
The nomination/application form is available on both the MAIZE and YPARD websites.
For any enquiries/clarifications, please contact: maizecrp@cgiar.org
This award is sponsored by the CGIAR Research Program on maize (MAIZE) in collaboration with YPARD (Young Professionals for Agricultural Development).
Asia, innovation, Maize, youth